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Showing posts from July, 2005

Happy Birthday Wambzz

One of the most amazing women I've ever had the pleasure of meeting is now one year wiser and looks 5 years younger... I could swear that she's not a shade older than 24.... Happy Birthday Wambzz.. we all love you...

2 feet, 6 feet and the Road Less Travelled

2 Feet For those close to me it's a pretty public secret that I intend to stop consulting for what I like to call my best client . Initially, this was meant to happen last month. My business partner convinced me to wait till the initial launch of our first products before I left. He further convinced me to be pragmatic and realize that we need the capital I get from my sole client.(95% of my income is invested in my business). So the deadline suddenly became flexible. One month has become two has become three....What strikes me the most is a question that lingers and nags my mind day and night: Why do I fear to stand on my own two feet? Yes... I've said it... Yoda, the hot blooded raging pantheon of ambition actually feels raw atavistic fear.... I know it can't be fear of failure . After all failure does not exist ... so what is it? Why is it that even though I am guaranteed millions (nay billions) of dollars and sure success I still hesitate and use the excuse that: ...

Best Movie Quote

I hate being Scottish. We're the lowest of the fucking low, the scum of the earth, the most wretched, servile, miserable, pathetic trash that was ever shat into civilization. Some people hate the English, but I don't. They're just wankers. We, on the other hand, are colonized by wankers. We can't even pick a decent culture to be colonized by. We are ruled by effete arseholes. It's a shite state of affairs and all the fresh air in the world will not make any fucking difference. - Trainspotting


In my next life I want to be Jack Bauer or at the very least work for CTU! If there is/was a cult for 24 I'd probably have joined up on Saturday night, sometime at 4am when I was done with Season 3, no questions asked! Of all the seasons I have watched, for me, Season 3 has got to be the best yet. They, creators and producers, got away from the mistakes of Season 2, where they killed Bauer and then resurrected him, and they coupled that with having anything and everything that could go wrong go wrong leaving me exhaused from watching. In Season 3, they got Jack a partner and finally admitted that even Jack couldn't do everything himself. The stuff that went wrong, went wrong, for me realistic wrong. And finally the President became a politician and got into dirty politics, the clear line of wrong and right not quite clear for the infalliable David Palmer. So now I'm in search of my next fix, Season 4!


Usually I don't attend weddings, have given them a wide berth for quite a while and wild horses wouldn't have dragged me to one. It was for a simple reason - weddings were all the same, tired! When you didn't know the the bride or groom you didn't care what was going on, all you did was eat - the same menu at each wedding, drink sodas and socialize with friends (the reason you attended in the first place), and chat all thro the entire ceremony. So I made an exception this weekend and attended one, after a 2 year break how bad would it possibly be? And it wasn't really. It was a garden wedding, the service?All of 1 hour, the reverend/pastor, priest? very humorous - in short a beautiful ceremony. The bride was all decked out in a beautiful gown, the bridesmaid in pink, the bridal cars? beautiful mercs - there was a gorgeous convertible we considered jumping into and simply driving away but restrained ourselves. Then came the reception - the food was far from mediocre!...


Rape is without a doubt every woman's greatest fear. My friends and I have discussed this topic now and again about what one needs to do to protect onself but have yet to come up with an full proof way of doing so, and so it still remains our greatest fear. This morning I had cause to revisit that fear, after I heard on radio of 4 women who were gang raped this weekend. I will never for the life of me understand why men rape women and what we have to do with men's war games. Only yesterday I was reading about the rebels fighting in Congo. The victims of the war? Yep, the women of Congo. What they have to do with the fighting between the rebels, I don't know. For these women, rape is an everyday ordeal, age doesn't even matter to this rebels, any one they come across with a vagina qualifies from 7 year olds, who are held hostage for days and gang raped, to 70 year old women. According to the article, coming across a 70 year old woman is rare..they've all being killed...

Vile creatures

Are naturally bad? Do we rejoice about other failures and trials? Isn't this funny as hell!!!? Do we wish we could kill other people and get away with it? Especially people who look hopeless like beggars and others who seem to be doing to well. Do we want the biggest piece of cake and curse that we had to share at all? Do hate when the next woman or man has a bigger car, bigger ass(ladies), fatter wallet, is more fit and muscular(men.. and some women)? Do we not just hate that? The way some people are always ahead and they seemed like they did not even try? disgusting right? We wish we could have a big mallet with a large lead head for knocking the heads into the necks of embrass or laugh at us. Do we wish that everyone could not afford a bicycle as we fly about in our jet - boeing 747? When we sit back and criticize and cajoule others, it feels good doesn't it? Don't we just love it when some bastard fucks die? and the list goes on... So we are naturally bad aren't we?

Singularity, Completeness and Perfection

Definitions Recently, I've been challenged to explain my deepest emotions. I've further been challenged to justify them. I've been challenged to reevaluate them with the wisdom that is engendered by tagging a definition to an emotion. In short, I've been forced to study ontology with an introspective slant and then go about exposing my internal workings in a meaningful way. This should be easy enough for me to do but it is not. When asked to explain exactly what I'm feeling and then expose this in a language that conforms to another person's world view , a mass of obfuscations and semantic disconnects occur at various levels. I think we all know the situation: I say something, she understands it another way. The result: Sweetheart, no, I didn't mean it to come out that way.... Or ...Sweetheart...that's not what I meant This is the intrinsic nature of human communication... there are so many failure points: The language, world-view transposition, seman...

Dealing with boredom

Ok.. last week was really tough but now I'm 100% healed and ready to get back to business. In case you're wondering how I dealt with the coma while trying to work, I'll reveal my secrets: this and this (from here and here )

Midnight Express

Amazing... the progammed mind! I had a set of keys that looked more or less like my home keys... 20:00 I left the office and I saw the wood and cotton ony my bed and me in a intertwined passionate reunion. As usual I took the streets, about me... a lot of make-up and women in it, and big pots carried by men, and blue hooded guards sleeping at work. No lights at home so I had to walk in the dark, nothing quite unusual. bushes and alleys barely covering the soul hunters of the night, and the walking dead eager to get a recruit or a meal! then there is this dog, fucking crazy animal. It loves barking at me. The dog gets so excited barking, jumping around and raising its limps, you'd swear it is dancing to "get Low" - Lil jon on fast forward Of course, all these confidence by this 'beast' is inspired by the powerful steel gate and high stone fence that demacates its territory. another dark alley and I knock at the gate. waiting... and I knock again harder waiting... L...

Writer's Block

After staring at this screen for a while I remembered something I barely glanced at in I am sure you will all also enjoy reading break the block I will be toying around with css and pictures for our blog, a new style every day! anyway just joking.

Bankelele Absolutely Rocks

I feel it's only right that I share one of my favourite Kenyan blogs. I don't know who the author is except that [s]he is a Kenyan. [S]he posts very regularly and seems to be on top of all things business. For the life of me, I simply can't understand how [s]he finds out all this stuff faster than me . (Okay.. yes my pride is wounded that someone can actually aggregate usefull information faster than I can, but this blog sits on the absolute zenith of Kenyan business publications. I hope he/she never stops publishing.) So without further ado, here is your link to all things business related with a Kenyan perspective. All hail the great Bankelele I've finally finished preparing my email interview for up and coming Kenyan entrepreneurs. Bankele will be receiving a copy on Monday. Hopefully we can discover just who [s]he is and how [s]he became such a guru.