After doing some extensive research I discovered that there is only one reason why men cheat on their lovely women. The mama watotos. Sex. Many people will come up with many physchological studies and all these hypotheses. 1. Boredom 2. There more women than men!!! 3. Ego 4. She cheated on you(revenge) 5. Lack of Variety 6. The Love has died... But all these are just cover ups to the real reason. Which is. The man is not getting enough sex to keep him faithful. To keep him sane! When a woman assumes her position in a man's life. Her fulfilment is: + Having him come home and look into her eyes. + Having the man repair the broken down sink. + Opening for her doors + Appreciating her efforts. + Commending her making her hair in a particular way. + Listening to her bitch about her friends, workmates and life. This is sex to a woman. So once she has established herself and is getting all these things(plus others I may have not included) the woman is complete. Sex is work. Plus she...