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Interesting Reading: Lessan

Something I read and thought I should share.

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened,

ambition inspired, and success achieved.


Cosmic Leap said…
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Anonymous said…
Very wise words. My 2 cents for the day are:

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power."
Cosmic Leap said…
Cheers guys!

I’d say:

Life is a doughnut, take a bite.

Maybe something more serious…

If you look around at your life and you and don’t see any big strong problems I suggest you go home tonight and Pray to God, and say God don't you trust me ( N. Pearce thro A. Robbins)
Anonymous said…
One last one. LO you’ll remember this one:

“You become what you think about, most of the time…”

Brian Tracy.
Anonymous said…
I suppose I may as well throw in my personal faves;

Strictly speaking, they aren't quotes but you'll be hard pressed to find better pieces.

If you haven't heard of Max Ehrmann or Rudyard Kipling, then you need suffer no more:

-Max Ehrmann's 'Desiderata' (

-Rudyard Kipling's 'IF' (
Anonymous said…
For the first time I can say this: you’re a man after my own
Cosmic Leap said…
The sound track is off the hook! Falco – Amadeus!

Thanks everyone I feel enthused beyond my wildest imagination. Today right now, right here alright!
Anonymous said…
My absolute favourite of all times

Wambui, it’s a must read.
Anonymous said…
Ok, ok, ok, next to desiderata, this one is my absolute favourite!

Is this some sort of a club (like a book club) that you people belong to?

Please keep sending these inspiring stuff, who knows - maybe one day I will unleash one of my own!
Anonymous said…
It is easier to make money than to save it. One is exertion; the other, self-denial."

– Thomas Haliburton, Writer
Anonymous said…
Faith is the only agency through which the cosmic force of Infinite Intelligence can be harnessed and used by Man.

Napoleon Hill
Cosmic Leap said…
Let’s keep our + Club going.

An email per week, say?
Anonymous said…
Sounds good… did u guys get the article I sent?
Anonymous said…
Did you guys know that embalming someone when they are alive is as near to ‘perfect’ murder as you can get?
Anonymous said…
Yes - I watched something like that on Navy NCIS (on KTN) yesternite.

Qn, what does the process of embalming involve?
Anonymous said…
The way I understand it, it’s preserving of the body so that there is no rotting of the body kinda what they used/still? do to the mummies, the skin colour, the organs in the body are left in perfect conditions.

Preserve the skin colour and you can’t tell when the guys died, if the body organs are in perfect conditions, can’t tell what killed the guy, drain all the blood and replace with embalming liquids, can’t remember the name, and you have a perfect body!! No marks on the body – can’t tell the murder weapon
Anonymous said…
Hmmm....Philip, don't go pissing me off again....
Anonymous said…
You guys… I don’t think you should pay too much attention to Lizzie when she’s off ranting and raving about murder… THIS IS THE WOMAN WHO KNOWS 250+ methods of KILLING A PERSON… AND NOT GETTING CAUGHT… my advice would be to keep a safe distance away from her, pray for the guys in her department and if possible the moderator of this list should filter her “murder” e-mails out…
Cosmic Leap said…
By the way, this is Kenya.

So a good traditional beating to the death is more ideal.

Then you can throw the jamaa in Maasai Mara.

Unless it is a Julie Ward, that’s more than adequate.

But I guess you can do the Lizzie thing then oxidize if one of those IT managers gets to ur nerves Nick.
Anonymous said…
Lui, what happens after beating someone to death even in Kenya, you get caught right? Given that you want to kill someone and get away with it, at least I know I would, no way I want to be a guest of the state in Kenya and esp not after reading the article in Nation today.

So when you want to get away with it esp in Kenya where there is CSI with state of the art investigative gizmos, then embalming is the way to go plus the other 250+ methods I know of.

Nicholas, is just being paranoid. Like I say, if you are my pal nothing to worry, on the other hand should that change…
Anonymous said…
Ok… given that the theory of “thought power” tells us that “you become what you think about most of the time”, I really don’t think I’m being paranoid… Now consider an example of someone (I’m not mentioning names) who watches, learns, reads, analyses murder to the depth that someone (I’m still not mentioning names) does… If they become what they think about most of the time they might become vicious killers (worst case scenario) or maybe necrophiliacs (less worse scenario)
Anonymous said…
You are assuming the person(s) you are so intent on not naming, subscribe to the theory of "thought power."
Anonymous said…
The wonderful thing about truth is that it doesn’t require anyone to believe it for it to be true.. eg the sun rises in the east whether you believe it or not.. “Thought power” is a fact, whether someone subscribes to it or not…

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