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Rest Less...about rats and grains

It's perhaps the best kept secret that am the most restless creature on the planet... one who could never possibly be satisfied by the status quo... after all I am a full blooded Taurian .

This feature, of what I've goaded myself into believing is a simple personality, is transforming my life at a rate that I could never even have fathomed the moment I breathed my first on this earth. I want so much out of my life and I'm willing to sacrifice anything and almost anyone to get it, paradoxically, including myself.

This becomes even more patent when one finds a friend who approximates my own values. The twin forces intoxicate me and the continual loop of hungry energy only serves to make me even more thirsty to taste my destiny... to be the Billionaire Businessman.

I find myself on the run, I find day and night merging into one; yesterday, today and tommorow meld into one continuum. I can't tell when I sleep and I can't tell when I awake... In all honesty, I'm probably both awake and asleep... at the same time....

The world seems to be moving in slow motion yet rocketting along like greased lightning. I see everything in stereoscopic colourful detail. I see every manifestation of the cosmos like a time delayed camera watching the grass growing... I see it all...

Take, for instance,a close friend of mine who has recently been moving from strength to strength. When I detail his (I'm maintaining anonymity increases in income, status, responsibility and personal development and then proceed to plot the path, i discover an exponential growth curve over time. (trust me when I say that my friend doesn't realize this manifestation of perfection but the math speaks for itself). I feel overjoyed that those close to me experience such wonderful realities. And best of all, I'm privy to it... I've been blessed with the best seat to the ultimate theatre: the theatre of success....

I admire my friend's personal strength and the incredible leaps and bounds he has made over time... He's become a leader in his space. Every day I contemplate all that I've seen and i'm in awe.. I have so much to learn yet...

So this post is about 3 things...

1)Life is too short to sleep. The virtue of never sleeping is that I have to live my dreams. Besides, there'll be plenty of time to sleep when I'm dead.

2)I may burn out but before I do that I'll burn up. I will work tirelessly to recreate my friend's growth in my own life...

3)Congratulations to my friend, wherever he may be... Ralph Waldo Emerson once said that

Envy is ignorance, imitation is suicide

For once, I disagree with my teachers. If I can emulate only 20% of what my friend has achieved then I'll have made over 10 billion dollars while at the same time becoming a complete man and model of all that is perfect in society... If this imitation is suicide then I'm willing to die to achieve it....


Nicholas Ochiel said…
Thanks Wambzz.... I'm glad the post touched you.... I'll definitely keep writing.. you guys inspire me to explore my potential and think about life in ways I never even imagined...

I'm the luckiest man alive to have friends who are so great. Thanks again...
Cosmic Leap said…

It is assuring to find yourself among brothers and sisters with drive.

Sometimes what stands between a do and a don't is just energy, and that's one thing that's been more than bountiful thanks to you.

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