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Showing posts from September, 2005

On my Own 2

Today is my last day at Footman-Walker . I'm now officially doing my own thing . Just wanted to thank you guys for everything you've done for me (and to I'll keep posting on this blog. In fact, the number of my posts is likely to increase exponentially.

Stay Away.. The Devil's Spawn Lives Here

Some men are fatally flawed . I am one of them... I'm not an apologist for our breed. I wouldn't seek to defend them in any capacity... This is a short tale from our story. If you saw me in the streets, you'd think I'm a composed being. You may even think I'm average. I dress average. More often than not, I dress worse than average, I look average, have average height and my voice is average. Nothing about me stands out. I'm not the fittest of men, I'm not the healthiest. I smoke socially and when I'm stressed I smoke more frequently. I have an average build. You see me and you never remember me... Like the smoke from my lungs, I appear briefly and then I'm gone. We never let anybody close to us. We can't. We know who we are and the facade of the average ensures we don't attract undue attention. We have some gifts. Some of us are artists, some are writers, others are businessmen. I, on the other hand, have just one gift: I can seem ...

Women and Men are equal but not the same

When men saw women come back from beijing all feisty and rejuvenated... they panicked. What to do? Now women have become men so... But as both sexes learn to respect each other and find and agreeable median to operate in, there some truths even liberty itself cannot change. I am readging " Men are from Mars - Women are from Venus" - John Gray, and women are truly different from men. And I was very happy reading masterpiece until... I got the point that goes against everything that makes the difference between success and failure(maybe from a man's world only!) Positive thinking. Neurolingusitic programming. Focus on solutions. Positivity tells us let's not bitch about problems, lets focus on solutions and the way ahead. Apparently this is the wrong approach? Funny. When a woman talks about a problem I am told that she knows the solution, so she just wants to talk about the problem and feed on the negative impulses emicted from such discussions. What if she does not kn...

Interesting blog

There's a Kenyan chic who's blog, though somewhat corny, is the kind of thing that Wambzz and Lesaan would enjoy. Her writing is quite good, her thoughts exceedingly poingnant. Without further ado, here's the link Pressure Makes Diamond

The Unromantic Man

Of late, I've been thinking about relationships a lot. It's pretty obvious from my recent posts that I'm totally lacking in this field. I am probably the least romantic man on the planet. Any one who's been close to me knows this. Cosmic Leap recently made mention of the fact that I keep planning for the future and the luxuries I'll shower on my lover when I become great. This prevents me from living in the present. As a result I do nothing to build the relationship in the present but constantly work on a future that is yet to happen. I've been told this by a married couple close to my heart and that pretty much finalised it. I simply don't know how to make a girl feel special. I used to think that studying the finer elements of bedroom bliss and being a hard working man were enough. I was obviously wrong. Therefore, I throw this question out to the ladies: Wambzz and Lesaan. How can I make a woman feel special? What are the small things I can do...

There's a Time for Honesty and A Time for Honesty

More people than I imagine read the posts on this blog. As I result I got a lot of pushback from my previous post . Friends sent me private mail, others were pissed that I blog naked , and so on. My Lies The most important piece of information I got, was during a four hour phone call with one of my "teachers" who kept me awake from 1am to 4am today morning. I was verbally beaten up about the lies in the previous post. The lies, were primarily about the subject of the post. I've realized that my recent depressed state has led me to colour everything I say with dark shades of yellow, grey and black. I have realized that the world I was seeing was not real. Allow me, in this post, to tell the truth: I Was Full of Crap Just typing that was painful... But the truth always is painful. When I really thinking about my less than stellar love life, I realize that I can be defined by one word: Mistakes . I make many of them, frequently.... Repeatedly... The worst part about...

Wild Roman Horses and Heartbreak

Jaded... Fucking Jaded Today... I'm jaded... I've been jaded for a while... this isn't the normal me... this isn't the Billionaire Businessman . Today I descend to the depths of depression... I can't helping wading in these dark murky waters.... I try to work... I try to beat my body and mind into submission by working with no sleep but there seems to be no escape from what I feel... Just a minute ago, while hacking away to drown my mind and listening to the blaring sounds of Kanye West to drown my soul, I found myself overcome by a wave of pain. Just a minute ago I broke into tears that I couldn't control..... ....Fuck it...I'm jaded.... I'm heartbroken just like Lessan was some time ago. . Lesaan asked if it's possible to heal a broken heart. I'll answer with the wisdom that comes with hindsight: IT'S NOT POSSIBLE!. One shouldn't even try to. Bear those scars of love proudly and know that they'll never heal... they will bleed and s...

Home and Away

Home and Away I have twice been asked about my preference for staying at home or moving to a foreign country and both this time my answer has been an emphatic ‘No’ and in my head a loud and clear ‘Hell No!’ almost like a knee jerk reaction. But as I said my last Hell No! recently and was asked to give reasons as to why I couldn’t even consider a move to a more developed country, the reasons I gave, ears sounded flimsy. Which got me thinking, why won’t I even consider living in another country? My reason have so far being the weather, having to start all over again socially, having no friends I could depend on close by but when I re-think they are not real solid reasons. For one, I could adopt to the weather, even putting into considering that old ‘can’t teach an old dog new tricks’, I could make friends eventually, mhhh.., and given that I’m the kind of person who would hobble on a twisted ankle and get myself to hospital, torture myself when I have a ‘heart ache’(no not from a broken ...