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Showing posts from 2005

My Dream Woman

This picture is worth a thousand dream woman is a true book slut.

Why Men Dog

After doing some extensive research I discovered that there is only one reason why men cheat on their lovely women. The mama watotos. Sex. Many people will come up with many physchological studies and all these hypotheses. 1. Boredom 2. There more women than men!!! 3. Ego 4. She cheated on you(revenge) 5. Lack of Variety 6. The Love has died... But all these are just cover ups to the real reason. Which is. The man is not getting enough sex to keep him faithful. To keep him sane! When a woman assumes her position in a man's life. Her fulfilment is: + Having him come home and look into her eyes. + Having the man repair the broken down sink. + Opening for her doors + Appreciating her efforts. + Commending her making her hair in a particular way. + Listening to her bitch about her friends, workmates and life. This is sex to a woman. So once she has established herself and is getting all these things(plus others I may have not included) the woman is complete. Sex is work. Plus she...


Ok.. I know guys are really anti McDonald's these days, but this is absurd!!! I personally understand the negative sentiment against McDonalds. However, I do not agree with it totally. McDonald's has been instrumental in teaching the world about entrepreneurship and franchise marketting. I'm a big fan of Ray Kroc (the man who started it all!)... So enamoured was I that I posted a review of his autobiography here . It's a truly inspiring story with crucial lessons for all of us who are venturing into our own enterprise. In summary.. McDonald's R00lz!!!

Dating Patterns.... what?

This is just absolutely funny. I guess it will make more sense to those of us who study technology architecture.... Still, it will provide a laugh all around. Without further ado, here's the link . What cracked me up is the dating patterns relationship diagram :

Sex in the Graveyard

Where's the best place to have sex? either from imagination, experience or just critical thought - in the bedroom with the curtains drawn door locked lights off inside the covers clothed everywhere except the gonads, or when riding roller coaster, in the grave yard at night using the tombstone as the bed post and using UV light in that darkness (you know!! achi achi!) or in the streets at night in a phone booth in say Kenyatta Avenue...

Two Words!

If you were asked to describe yourself using 2 words, which 2 words would you use? After musing about it for 10, 30, 60..mins, the exercise asked that you take 10mins, the 2 words I came up with were 'Independent' and 'Carefree'. Carefree, Ambitious, Cold, Seductive..the 2nd word kept changing..can't be sure ..but 'Independent' for sure! I flirtered with putting down my own 2 words, that describe each of you - as you appear to me, then I rethought, nah! What about it guys, which 2 words?

Movie Review : The Notebook

This has to be the best movie this year. This is a movie so loaded with emotion that tears still cloud my eyes as I write this. The story is about a couple, Noah and Allison, who, as teenagers, discover first love. Their love for each other is breathtaking and it spans the entire breadth, depth and height of their lives. The story is so well told that I wouldn't attempt to ruin the movie by giving my interpretation of it here. This movie is about true love . A love that fills one so completely as to give life new meaning, purpose and fulfillment. This movie will inspire those who have become jaded with love. In a world where heartbreak is the norm and our lives are dominated by a perpetual emptiness punctuated by short meaningless trists with people we hope are our soul mates. In such a world, it's hard to believe that anyone can find true love. It's hard to imagine that we can actually marry someone who we never tire of. Seeing someone every morning three hundr...

That's just wrong!

Something I heard on radio...2 lesbian women wanted a child and got a sperm donor (a man of course!) so that they could have the child they wanted. Several months later, they are suing him for child support! Whatever their reasons, that's just wrong.

Ah! Humour

Recently I've gone out quite abit and meet new people, mostly guys and come to the conclusion that humour is a really attractive trait. Out of all the guys I've met lately the ones that stand out are the ones that had a wicked sense of humour! The ice was broken very fast, and the evening continued without any akward gaps of silence, polite conversation, so what do you do? (I truly hate that question!) time flew and before I knew it, it was 4am in the morning and at the end of the evening I felt like I'd known them forever. To confirm that it wasn't just by chance I had the pleasure of meeting the same guys again and the same thing happened. I couldnt' stop laughing, and you all know when you get me started it's like a river that has burst it's banks, I can go on and on like a duracell battery..and time flew and before I knew it, it was 4am in the morning. It's not enough that you have the right ambiance, the right music, good food, drinks flowing..for m...

Maasai Market

Today I decided to stroll to dusty Maasai market and pick a thing or two. As usual I was met with an assortment of bright coloured clothes and beaded leather. I must commend them for the sculptures, they have lovely wood sculptures and carvings! The clothes on the other hand... are for an occasion. An African night. Nothing more. For example: There are these belts with beads that start falling out before you even give the seller money! You can see the centipede lipped boy is as hungry as hell and you want to give him loaf, but you guy... the thing is just too tired. the inside part of the belt is rough with strings that seems to have been purposely made to peel the skin off your hips! if you intend to wear the belt in the nude. I was about to do my usual stress test of garments - trying to pull it apart with as much force as I can- but clearly they would not have held. So I mean it is great that people are making money, actuall a living! off these things... But what happened to the qua...

On my Own 2

Today is my last day at Footman-Walker . I'm now officially doing my own thing . Just wanted to thank you guys for everything you've done for me (and to I'll keep posting on this blog. In fact, the number of my posts is likely to increase exponentially.

Stay Away.. The Devil's Spawn Lives Here

Some men are fatally flawed . I am one of them... I'm not an apologist for our breed. I wouldn't seek to defend them in any capacity... This is a short tale from our story. If you saw me in the streets, you'd think I'm a composed being. You may even think I'm average. I dress average. More often than not, I dress worse than average, I look average, have average height and my voice is average. Nothing about me stands out. I'm not the fittest of men, I'm not the healthiest. I smoke socially and when I'm stressed I smoke more frequently. I have an average build. You see me and you never remember me... Like the smoke from my lungs, I appear briefly and then I'm gone. We never let anybody close to us. We can't. We know who we are and the facade of the average ensures we don't attract undue attention. We have some gifts. Some of us are artists, some are writers, others are businessmen. I, on the other hand, have just one gift: I can seem ...

Women and Men are equal but not the same

When men saw women come back from beijing all feisty and rejuvenated... they panicked. What to do? Now women have become men so... But as both sexes learn to respect each other and find and agreeable median to operate in, there some truths even liberty itself cannot change. I am readging " Men are from Mars - Women are from Venus" - John Gray, and women are truly different from men. And I was very happy reading masterpiece until... I got the point that goes against everything that makes the difference between success and failure(maybe from a man's world only!) Positive thinking. Neurolingusitic programming. Focus on solutions. Positivity tells us let's not bitch about problems, lets focus on solutions and the way ahead. Apparently this is the wrong approach? Funny. When a woman talks about a problem I am told that she knows the solution, so she just wants to talk about the problem and feed on the negative impulses emicted from such discussions. What if she does not kn...

Interesting blog

There's a Kenyan chic who's blog, though somewhat corny, is the kind of thing that Wambzz and Lesaan would enjoy. Her writing is quite good, her thoughts exceedingly poingnant. Without further ado, here's the link Pressure Makes Diamond

The Unromantic Man

Of late, I've been thinking about relationships a lot. It's pretty obvious from my recent posts that I'm totally lacking in this field. I am probably the least romantic man on the planet. Any one who's been close to me knows this. Cosmic Leap recently made mention of the fact that I keep planning for the future and the luxuries I'll shower on my lover when I become great. This prevents me from living in the present. As a result I do nothing to build the relationship in the present but constantly work on a future that is yet to happen. I've been told this by a married couple close to my heart and that pretty much finalised it. I simply don't know how to make a girl feel special. I used to think that studying the finer elements of bedroom bliss and being a hard working man were enough. I was obviously wrong. Therefore, I throw this question out to the ladies: Wambzz and Lesaan. How can I make a woman feel special? What are the small things I can do...

There's a Time for Honesty and A Time for Honesty

More people than I imagine read the posts on this blog. As I result I got a lot of pushback from my previous post . Friends sent me private mail, others were pissed that I blog naked , and so on. My Lies The most important piece of information I got, was during a four hour phone call with one of my "teachers" who kept me awake from 1am to 4am today morning. I was verbally beaten up about the lies in the previous post. The lies, were primarily about the subject of the post. I've realized that my recent depressed state has led me to colour everything I say with dark shades of yellow, grey and black. I have realized that the world I was seeing was not real. Allow me, in this post, to tell the truth: I Was Full of Crap Just typing that was painful... But the truth always is painful. When I really thinking about my less than stellar love life, I realize that I can be defined by one word: Mistakes . I make many of them, frequently.... Repeatedly... The worst part about...

Wild Roman Horses and Heartbreak

Jaded... Fucking Jaded Today... I'm jaded... I've been jaded for a while... this isn't the normal me... this isn't the Billionaire Businessman . Today I descend to the depths of depression... I can't helping wading in these dark murky waters.... I try to work... I try to beat my body and mind into submission by working with no sleep but there seems to be no escape from what I feel... Just a minute ago, while hacking away to drown my mind and listening to the blaring sounds of Kanye West to drown my soul, I found myself overcome by a wave of pain. Just a minute ago I broke into tears that I couldn't control..... ....Fuck it...I'm jaded.... I'm heartbroken just like Lessan was some time ago. . Lesaan asked if it's possible to heal a broken heart. I'll answer with the wisdom that comes with hindsight: IT'S NOT POSSIBLE!. One shouldn't even try to. Bear those scars of love proudly and know that they'll never heal... they will bleed and s...

Home and Away

Home and Away I have twice been asked about my preference for staying at home or moving to a foreign country and both this time my answer has been an emphatic ‘No’ and in my head a loud and clear ‘Hell No!’ almost like a knee jerk reaction. But as I said my last Hell No! recently and was asked to give reasons as to why I couldn’t even consider a move to a more developed country, the reasons I gave, ears sounded flimsy. Which got me thinking, why won’t I even consider living in another country? My reason have so far being the weather, having to start all over again socially, having no friends I could depend on close by but when I re-think they are not real solid reasons. For one, I could adopt to the weather, even putting into considering that old ‘can’t teach an old dog new tricks’, I could make friends eventually, mhhh.., and given that I’m the kind of person who would hobble on a twisted ankle and get myself to hospital, torture myself when I have a ‘heart ache’(no not from a broken ...

Let's Talk

You meet a person and say, "Hi, how are you?" , "I'm fine and you", "I am also very fine". "How are the kids?" "They are okay, working hard in school, we hope for the best." "And yours? Yes, they are all okay". "How is life?" "Life is Very hard, But we are struggling".... You know same old talk. Clearly we just end up playing the motions of conversation. No one is really saying anything. Mostly you are just told what you want to hear so that you can answer back what the other person wants to hear. In fact want is a not the word- I meant expects! There those people that we really would like to talk to and you know - feel them. But we find ourselves pulling the small old tired lines from the book of overused and misused greeting protocols yet again. So... How do we begin small talk? and keep having different ways of starting it? Plus how do we get to know how a person really is or should be bother?

Furniture Love and Positioning

My goodness!!! this chair absolutely takes the prize... this is the quintissential definition of zen by design . I've studied tantra (and continue to) for quite some time and I've never come across a single piece of furniture that is as enabling as this one. I think this chair was first mentioned on this blog , though no link was provided. For those who want even more information on how to use this erotic piece of furniture to even greater effect, you can read here and even here .

Lesaan Missing In Action

Well.. rumour has it that Lesaan overindulged in absolute debauchery,hedonism and drinking this past weekend.... Apparently she was so drunk that she couldn't even get on the plan and thus missed her flight. Other reports indicate that she lost track of time shopping at duty free and suddenly found that a day had come and gone.. Greeted by the morning she realized that she had missed her flight.... So,it turns out that Lesaan is MIA... hopefully she's having more fun than we are... Can someone please confirm what's going on....

Happy Birthday Wambzz

One of the most amazing women I've ever had the pleasure of meeting is now one year wiser and looks 5 years younger... I could swear that she's not a shade older than 24.... Happy Birthday Wambzz.. we all love you...

2 feet, 6 feet and the Road Less Travelled

2 Feet For those close to me it's a pretty public secret that I intend to stop consulting for what I like to call my best client . Initially, this was meant to happen last month. My business partner convinced me to wait till the initial launch of our first products before I left. He further convinced me to be pragmatic and realize that we need the capital I get from my sole client.(95% of my income is invested in my business). So the deadline suddenly became flexible. One month has become two has become three....What strikes me the most is a question that lingers and nags my mind day and night: Why do I fear to stand on my own two feet? Yes... I've said it... Yoda, the hot blooded raging pantheon of ambition actually feels raw atavistic fear.... I know it can't be fear of failure . After all failure does not exist ... so what is it? Why is it that even though I am guaranteed millions (nay billions) of dollars and sure success I still hesitate and use the excuse that: ...

Best Movie Quote

I hate being Scottish. We're the lowest of the fucking low, the scum of the earth, the most wretched, servile, miserable, pathetic trash that was ever shat into civilization. Some people hate the English, but I don't. They're just wankers. We, on the other hand, are colonized by wankers. We can't even pick a decent culture to be colonized by. We are ruled by effete arseholes. It's a shite state of affairs and all the fresh air in the world will not make any fucking difference. - Trainspotting


In my next life I want to be Jack Bauer or at the very least work for CTU! If there is/was a cult for 24 I'd probably have joined up on Saturday night, sometime at 4am when I was done with Season 3, no questions asked! Of all the seasons I have watched, for me, Season 3 has got to be the best yet. They, creators and producers, got away from the mistakes of Season 2, where they killed Bauer and then resurrected him, and they coupled that with having anything and everything that could go wrong go wrong leaving me exhaused from watching. In Season 3, they got Jack a partner and finally admitted that even Jack couldn't do everything himself. The stuff that went wrong, went wrong, for me realistic wrong. And finally the President became a politician and got into dirty politics, the clear line of wrong and right not quite clear for the infalliable David Palmer. So now I'm in search of my next fix, Season 4!


Usually I don't attend weddings, have given them a wide berth for quite a while and wild horses wouldn't have dragged me to one. It was for a simple reason - weddings were all the same, tired! When you didn't know the the bride or groom you didn't care what was going on, all you did was eat - the same menu at each wedding, drink sodas and socialize with friends (the reason you attended in the first place), and chat all thro the entire ceremony. So I made an exception this weekend and attended one, after a 2 year break how bad would it possibly be? And it wasn't really. It was a garden wedding, the service?All of 1 hour, the reverend/pastor, priest? very humorous - in short a beautiful ceremony. The bride was all decked out in a beautiful gown, the bridesmaid in pink, the bridal cars? beautiful mercs - there was a gorgeous convertible we considered jumping into and simply driving away but restrained ourselves. Then came the reception - the food was far from mediocre!...


Rape is without a doubt every woman's greatest fear. My friends and I have discussed this topic now and again about what one needs to do to protect onself but have yet to come up with an full proof way of doing so, and so it still remains our greatest fear. This morning I had cause to revisit that fear, after I heard on radio of 4 women who were gang raped this weekend. I will never for the life of me understand why men rape women and what we have to do with men's war games. Only yesterday I was reading about the rebels fighting in Congo. The victims of the war? Yep, the women of Congo. What they have to do with the fighting between the rebels, I don't know. For these women, rape is an everyday ordeal, age doesn't even matter to this rebels, any one they come across with a vagina qualifies from 7 year olds, who are held hostage for days and gang raped, to 70 year old women. According to the article, coming across a 70 year old woman is rare..they've all being killed...

Vile creatures

Are naturally bad? Do we rejoice about other failures and trials? Isn't this funny as hell!!!? Do we wish we could kill other people and get away with it? Especially people who look hopeless like beggars and others who seem to be doing to well. Do we want the biggest piece of cake and curse that we had to share at all? Do hate when the next woman or man has a bigger car, bigger ass(ladies), fatter wallet, is more fit and muscular(men.. and some women)? Do we not just hate that? The way some people are always ahead and they seemed like they did not even try? disgusting right? We wish we could have a big mallet with a large lead head for knocking the heads into the necks of embrass or laugh at us. Do we wish that everyone could not afford a bicycle as we fly about in our jet - boeing 747? When we sit back and criticize and cajoule others, it feels good doesn't it? Don't we just love it when some bastard fucks die? and the list goes on... So we are naturally bad aren't we?

Singularity, Completeness and Perfection

Definitions Recently, I've been challenged to explain my deepest emotions. I've further been challenged to justify them. I've been challenged to reevaluate them with the wisdom that is engendered by tagging a definition to an emotion. In short, I've been forced to study ontology with an introspective slant and then go about exposing my internal workings in a meaningful way. This should be easy enough for me to do but it is not. When asked to explain exactly what I'm feeling and then expose this in a language that conforms to another person's world view , a mass of obfuscations and semantic disconnects occur at various levels. I think we all know the situation: I say something, she understands it another way. The result: Sweetheart, no, I didn't mean it to come out that way.... Or ...Sweetheart...that's not what I meant This is the intrinsic nature of human communication... there are so many failure points: The language, world-view transposition, seman...

Dealing with boredom

Ok.. last week was really tough but now I'm 100% healed and ready to get back to business. In case you're wondering how I dealt with the coma while trying to work, I'll reveal my secrets: this and this (from here and here )

Midnight Express

Amazing... the progammed mind! I had a set of keys that looked more or less like my home keys... 20:00 I left the office and I saw the wood and cotton ony my bed and me in a intertwined passionate reunion. As usual I took the streets, about me... a lot of make-up and women in it, and big pots carried by men, and blue hooded guards sleeping at work. No lights at home so I had to walk in the dark, nothing quite unusual. bushes and alleys barely covering the soul hunters of the night, and the walking dead eager to get a recruit or a meal! then there is this dog, fucking crazy animal. It loves barking at me. The dog gets so excited barking, jumping around and raising its limps, you'd swear it is dancing to "get Low" - Lil jon on fast forward Of course, all these confidence by this 'beast' is inspired by the powerful steel gate and high stone fence that demacates its territory. another dark alley and I knock at the gate. waiting... and I knock again harder waiting... L...

Writer's Block

After staring at this screen for a while I remembered something I barely glanced at in I am sure you will all also enjoy reading break the block I will be toying around with css and pictures for our blog, a new style every day! anyway just joking.

Bankelele Absolutely Rocks

I feel it's only right that I share one of my favourite Kenyan blogs. I don't know who the author is except that [s]he is a Kenyan. [S]he posts very regularly and seems to be on top of all things business. For the life of me, I simply can't understand how [s]he finds out all this stuff faster than me . (Okay.. yes my pride is wounded that someone can actually aggregate usefull information faster than I can, but this blog sits on the absolute zenith of Kenyan business publications. I hope he/she never stops publishing.) So without further ado, here is your link to all things business related with a Kenyan perspective. All hail the great Bankelele I've finally finished preparing my email interview for up and coming Kenyan entrepreneurs. Bankele will be receiving a copy on Monday. Hopefully we can discover just who [s]he is and how [s]he became such a guru.

Devil's Brew

Moderation? It's mediocrity, fear, and confusion in disguise. It's the devil's dilemma. It's neither doing nor not doing. It's the wobbling compromise that makes no one happy. Moderation is for the bland, the apologetic, for the fence-sitters of the world afraid to take a stand. It's for those afraid to laugh or cry, for those afraid to live or die. lukewarm tea, the devil's own brew." ~ Dan Millman, 21st century philosopher from The Way of the Peaceful Warrior

Pain Does Not Exist.. Neither Does Suffering

Pain is a relatively objective, physical phenomenon; suffering is our psychological resistance to what happens. Events may create physical pain, but they do not in themselves create suffering. Resistance creates suffering. Stress happens when your mind resists what is...The only problem in your life is your mind's resistance to life as it unfolds. ~ Dan Millman, 21st century philosopher from The Way of the Peaceful Warrior

Rest Less...about rats and grains

It's perhaps the best kept secret that am the most restless creature on the planet... one who could never possibly be satisfied by the status quo... after all I am a full blooded Taurian . This feature, of what I've goaded myself into believing is a simple personality, is transforming my life at a rate that I could never even have fathomed the moment I breathed my first on this earth. I want so much out of my life and I'm willing to sacrifice anything and almost anyone to get it, paradoxically, including myself. This becomes even more patent when one finds a friend who approximates my own values. The twin forces intoxicate me and the continual loop of hungry energy only serves to make me even more thirsty to taste my destiny... to be the Billionaire Businessman . I find myself on the run, I find day and night merging into one; yesterday, today and tommorow meld into one continuum . I can't tell when I sleep and I can't tell when I awake... In all honesty, I...


Coming to work this morning was bliss! I didn't have to fight with wananchi in the mat to open the window(s) at least a crack! Is it just me or does everyone refuse to open windows because it's cold? Doesn't matter that the mat is filled with all of 14 passengers, all in warm clothing and the windows are misty! Good knows what would happen if it should one day snow in Nairobi. Didn't have to mull over the poor excuse of a seat belt and balance the various options of tying, the often, tired, dirty seat belt round my waist; getting my clothes dirty, the fear of a police spot check with my need for protection in case of the unknown. So yes, I drove myself to work this morning bobbing my head to James Ingram, singing along to the tracks I love and feeling that all was right with the world. My beautiful car has been christened Boris, Wambzz you undoubtedly understand why, and guys I know cars are 'supposed' to be christened with feminine names but I'm a chic!

Boy/Gal etiquette

Recently I meet this chap, guy, him what you like. After a 30min or so conversation and engaging in what felt like a fencing sport on when each of us was available, wednesday? not good for me, friday? prior engagement etc, we settled on a day we were both free and we exchanged numbers. Conclusion? The chap, guy, fellow would call to confirm what time and where we were going to meet on Saturday evening for a drink. On Friday night at 11:37 I get a text message from the chap, guy, fellow. The message? 'What's up, are we still hooking up tomorrow'? 11:37! Worse still a text message! Did I reply the text? Yes on Saturday afternoon. My reply? No, I've changed my mind. Any chance I'll be meeting him for a drink in the near future? None. He's probably called me a bitch for agreeing to meet him and changing my mind, and probably moved on to how chics are as reliable as the metrological dept. Any chap, guy, fellow who doesn't know that boy/gal etiquette ...

Big vs small women

It is a widely accepted belief among men that sex with small women is better than with large women, they are "known" to be more ductile, flexible, portable and energtic. And I am not making this up! This information has been passed down from so many men, in important discussions like What can I do? I don't want to leave her, I love her so much Should I go for it, I am not sure I can handle all that and even Do I marry her? Yes it is serious. A man cannot easily carry around and move a big woman they way he wants... unless he is like Ronnie Coleman below: You've have to go into dialogue first about very turn and then she will think about, then she may say no!!! even if it is good for her. All this time the moment has gone! My questions then: Is it true that small women enjoy better sex that big women? Most importantly how can men enjoy sex with big women more than with petite ones?


When a person really desires something, all the universe conspires to help that person to realize his/her dream. Paul Coelho – The Alchemist.

Wake Up

"Wake up! If you knew for certain you had a terminal illness--if you had little time left to live--you would waste precious little of it! Well, I'm telling do have a terminal illness: It's called birth. You don't have more than a few years left. No one does! So be happy now, without reason--or you will never be at all." ~ Dan Millman , 21st century philosopherfrom The Way of the Peaceful Warrior

It is all about how we look

Okay, I agree that, that skin I had applied to our blog was by far the worst! ugliest thing- that anyone has ever even imagined to attempt to conceptualize in his/her/its demented artless mind. The beauty is that we can style our blog to look the way we want. Personally I wanted a topless maasai girl holding a spear - showing some ass. at the top left then her twin doing the same at the bottom right. We can look at creating something that embodies us... and if I get a vote of 4/4 on this, I can start working on it. obviously I don't intend to scare you guys again hence the designs will have to be approved by you guys before we put them up. Then we can vote and pick our clothes for the year. Ladies? Gentleman?

Your mind

Your mind is the greatest soap-opera scriptwriter in history. It makes up incredible stories, usually based on drama and disasters, of things that never happened and probably never will. Mark Twain said it best 'I've had thousands of problems in my life, most of which never actually happened' Training and managing your own mind is the most important skill you could ever own, in terms of both happiness and success . Secrets of the Millionaire Mind - T. Harv Eker

Loved and Lost

Heart break - when it feels like your heart has been ripped from your rip cage, thrown on the floor, where it shattered into a million pieces, and the pieces thrown randomly back into the place where the heart, when it was whole, used to occupy. When all you want is to crawl into a dark corner and never ever see light again. When the dark corner ends up being your bed, where you curl up into the foetal position and hug yourself tight, never intending to let go. Your mind won't stop churning, no matter how many times you tell it to SHUT UP, dredging, finding the memories - the first date, the first kiss, the first anniversary, the first gift, when he said he loved you. Suddenly, as if pricked with a pin, you jump out of bed and rammage like one possessed for the photos - that made a feable attempt to capture the happiness - the cards, the notes, with words that promised eternal love, the preserved petals, from that first bouquet of roses, that were sent 'just because'.. the ...

The Extinction of Men pt. 1

These days I find myself increasingly asking the question: "Are men extinct?" . My interest in discussing this was brought about when Halley's comment led me to a very interesting post on the fish . In this post, the author indicates that she seems to be enjoying (and preferring) dating women much more dating men. I find this very interesting. She's not talking about being a man-hating dyke . She's simply talking about hanging out, having fun and (dare she say it) flirting with women. She further adds that dating women perfectly satisfies her childhood idealist fantasy of what a date is supposed to be. She says that the women she get's to meet and date (yes.. they actually do call back after they promise to) are smart, strong, gorgeous women. They have ambition, common sense and unbelievable flair. After that statement, the bomb is dropped. I could almost hear the collective gasp of all male netizens as they held their already bated breath and read that it is...

At my Desk... In a Coma

Today happens to be one of those days when my productivity is at an all time low... Those reading this and expecting updates on various projects, should not be surprised if they do not receive any mail today.... I blame last night... More than that I blame raging hormones... . I got home relatively early yesterday (midnight is typically early for me). My intention was to sit, read and enjoy an evening without the pressures of productivity and performance.. I've been working hard the past couple of days. Such diligence demands periodic distractions that allow one to shift their frame of mind into a domain distant and separate from their jobs...To smell the roses as it were... An idle mind is indeed the devil's workshop . No sooner had I settled into the comfortable 6 x 6 bed than my mind was invaded my a lecherous seductive femme fatale. She's haunted me for a time now... And on this night she would get her kicks tormenting me... Perhaps I should explain... I'm just a ge...


I was in a mat this morning, listening to Kiss. They had Sir Edward Clay, the outgoing British High Commissioner, as a guest and wananchi are asked to call in with any messages or questions they have for Clay. This guy calls in and says he doesn't want Clay to leave, he wants him to be the MP for Kapenguria! I was livid. What is it that makes Kenyans look outside for help instead of trying to solve our problems ourselfs? All you have to do is listen to News anytime something happens to the ordinary mwanchi whose boat sunk in the lake, whose roof caved in, whose house got submerged due to heavy rains and they all start the same ' tungetaka serikali itusaidie...' even though they should know from experience that the serikali has never helped any ordinary mwanchi !! Clay is a zungs and he's not even a citizen which you at least need to be to qualify as MP! Uuuuurrghh!!!
Life is not about the amounts of breath you take, it's the moments that take your breath away. Lo, want to guess?

Blogging Drunk

A post a day keeps the readers in sway is what they say.... Thus, for purely superfluous reasons I've decided to blog tonight... I've reached that point of the night where you start to feel inebriated, not because of any form of ingested intoxicant, but simply because it's that time of the night... Today I just want to wax on synergy ..The kind of beautiful, magical energy that multiple minds working in concert can create. This kind of energy is among the purest forms of energy that a human being can feed on... It empowers one subtly, yet with great efficacy...You're emboldened yet calm... Excited yet controlled... That is how I feel about the coming together of this NoMA group. I feel honored to be in the company of great minds that have been weathered, tempered and vindicated by the struggles of life. Minds that have been innervated by the victories of years past, minds that are hopeful and brave due to victories guaranteed in years to come... Every day I muse upon t...